Upcoming Seminars
Annual Long-Term Care Conference 2024
8 -9am Registration and Visit Vendors
9 - 10am Elder Justice Initiatives for Alabama
Robyn James, BA, Director of Elder Justice Center
10 -11am Roles and Duties of the Ombudsman
Ryan Leonard, SW, Ombudsman, M4A
11am-12pm Rules and Regulations for Assisted Living and
Specialty Care Assisted Living
Amanda Dotson, MSW, BS, Senior Care Advisor
Assisted Living Locators
12- 1pm Lunch Provided, Visit Vendors
1- 2pm Long Term Care Planning
Jan Neal, Attorney, Jan Neal Law Firm, LLC
2pm Evaluations and Certificates (Completed evaluation required to receive a certificate. Hours awarded for hours attended.)
Contact Hours: Nurses: 5.0; Nursing Home Administrators, Occupational and Physical Therapists/Assistants, Social Workers: 4.0 Assisted Living Administrators, pending approval. Class open to the Public.
All class information is retained for four years. Duplicate certificates cost ten dollars.
Welcome to Medicare
Speaker: Lateshia Davidson, LMSW, State Health Insurance Assistance Program Coordinator and Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) Coordinator, Middle Alabama Area Agency on Aging
Upon completion of this presentation, participants will have knowledge of:
***What is SHIPP ***Learn how to enroll in Medicare ***Description of what Medicare is and the requirements ***Parts A & B ***Part C (Medicare Advantage) ***Part D (Medications) ***Part E (Medigap) No longer available to new Medicare beneficiaries, but if you are already have the plan, you can continue to use the benefits. ***Medigap Plan E helps cover your basic Medicare expenses, including Part A and Plan B costs, blood transfusions, and international travel medical costs.
Contact hours: Nurses: 1.2 (ABNP1246, expires 1.21.2027); 1.0 Social Workers (AEBSW#0100, expires 7.21.2025; 1.0 Nursing Home and Assisted Living Administrators, Occupational and Physical Therapists/Assistants. Any other professionals that need a certificate, registration form and evaluation is required. Classes are open to the Public. Nurses hours are transmitted to the ABN website with 36 hours or less after the class. All other copies of class rosters are sent to each designated Board.
Class evaluation is required within 24 hours after the course to receive a certificate. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Evaluations is located at: www.humanresourceoptions.com. Certificates will be emailed within 3-5 days after the zoom class. Confirmation email will be sent once evaluation is received. If confirmation is not received by 1pm on Saturday, August 16, evaluation was not received. If you have submitted an evaluation within 24 hours, and did not receive a certificate within three days, please email me.
Complete registration form on www.humanresourceoptions.com, Mail payment of $15 to Human Resource Options, Post Office Box 310996, Birmingham, AL 35231. You can pay with check/money order or Zelle: 2055677910 or Cash Ap: $CarCSmith.
Cost for duplicate certificates is five dollars. Duplicates requested after three months, cost is fifteen dollars.
Midsummer Healthcare Conference
Midsummer Healthcare Conference Home Instead, 2059 Columbiana Road, Birmingham 35216
8:30 - 9am Registration
9:00 -10am “Eating the Rainbow”, Randell Pickering, BA, MA
10 - 11am “Senior Bullying: It’s Not Just for Kids” Judith Jones, NHA, ALA-II
11:00 - 12pm “Stepping Up Your Game: Leading the Leaders” Michael Britton, RN, NHA, WCC, DWC
12:00 - 12:30pm Lunch
12:20 - 1:30pm “Customer Care in the Healthcare Community” , Carlette C. Smith, RN, NHA, MA, BSN, BA
1:30 - 2:30pm “Tips to Protect Your Personal Information” Carlette C. Smith, RN, NHA, MA, BSN, BA
2:30 - 3:00pm Evaluations and Certificates (Completed evaluation with signature is required to receive certificate.) Hours awarded only for hours attended.
Contact Hours: Nurses (ABNP1246, expires 1.21.2027) 6.0
Social Workers (AEBSW#0100, expires 7.21.2025) 5.0 hours
Assisted Living and Nursing Home Administrators, Occupational/Physical Therapists/Assistants 5 hours
For other professions that require a certificate, evaluation must be completed.
Classes are open to the Public.
All class information is retained for four years. Duplicate certificates will cost five dollars. (They must be requested within three months after the class. No exceptions).
Complete the Registration form found on the top right of main page.
Fee: Forty dollars ($40.00)
Checks, money orders mailed to: Human Resource Options, Post Office Box 310996, Birmingham, Alabama 35231.
You may pay with Zelle at: 2055677910 or Cash Ap $CarCSmith.
You will receive a confirmation email when payment is received.
Class is limited to 35 participants.
Spring Symposium 2024
7:30- 8:30 Registration and visit with vendors
8:30- 9:30 Renal Disease Prevention: Be Kind to your Kidneys
Mary Bogan, LBSW, Care Transition Administrator, Department of Care
Transitions, UAB Medicine, UAB
9:30- 10:30 Ethics for Healthcare Professional
Carlette C. Smith, RN, NHA, MA, BSN, BA, Human Resource Options
10:30-11:30 Your Life, Your Legacy
Titiana Alexander, JD, BS, Director of Marketing, Dignity Memorial
11:30- 12:30 Lunch/ Vendor Visit
12:30- 1:30 GriefShare: The Journey for Mourning to Joy, “Entering the New Normal”
Peter Jackson, BME, MME, Leader, Facilitator, Grief Recovery Support Group
1:30- 2:30 Emotional Wellness
Jennifer Wills, PharmD, Mills Pharmacy and Randell Pickering, BA, MA,
Director of Sales, Mill Pharmacy
2:30- 3:30 Laughter is Good for Your Heart
Haley Manasco, RN, BSN, Oasis Hospice
3:30 Evaluation and Certificates
Contact hours:
Nurses: 7.0 hours
Occupation and Physical Therapy/Assistants, Social Workers, Nursing Home Administrators, Assisted Living Administrators, Other: 6.0 hours.
ABNP #1246, Expires 1.21.27, AEBSW #0100, expires 7.21.25
Registration Form
Name___________________________ Title________________ License #___________________
Address_________________________ Phone#__________________ Email___________________
Cost: $30- Mail check or money order to: HRO, Post Office Box 310996, Birmingham, Al. 35231; Cash App/ Zelle: 205-567-7910. Registration is limited to 50 people. Address and email should be personal and not that of business. Many business emails will not accept emails from Human Resource Options. After I get 50 participants, I will open up zoom.
Questions or concerns: www.humanresourceoptions.com or 205-567-7910
Alabama Chapter of Alzheimer’s Association 2024 Caregiver Conference
9:00 - 10:00am Registration/Coffee with Vendors
10:00 - 11:00am Session 1 –"Building Elder Justice, Strong Homes and Communities: Elders Deserve Peace"
Speaker: Robyn James
11:00 - 12:00pm Session 2 – “Comfort for the Caregiver”
Speaker: Dr. Willie Brunetti
12:00 - 1:00pm Lunch (provided) and Vendor Time
1:00 - 2:00pm Session 3 – “Unraveling the Complexity: Understanding and Addressing Care Refusal Behaviors in People Living with Dementia”
Speaker: Dr. Rita Jablonski
2:00 - 3:00pm Session 4 – “Effective Communication Strategies for Dementia Patients”
Speaker: Dr. Jenni Beall
Cost: Free
Attendees have the option to attend in person or virtually*
Educational Symposium 2024
8:00 am – 8:30am Registration
8:30am – 9:30am Attitude Determines Your Aptitude,
Speaker: Carlette C. Smith, RN, NHA, MA, BSN, BA
9:30am – 10:30 Update On Infant Mortality
Speaker: Dr. Brian Sims, MD, Children’s Hospital
10:30am – 11:30 Tips to Protect Your Personal Information
Speaker: Carlette C. Smith, RN, NHA, MA, BSN, BA
11:30 -11:45am Break
11:45 –12:45 Communication Skills Utilized in Palliative Care/End of Life
Speaker: Dr. Marcia Lowe, PhD, RN, BSN, GEROJBC
12:45-1:45pm The Journey from Mourning to Joy, Entering the New Normal
Speaker: Peter R. Jackson, BME, MME, Leader/Facilitator at GriefShare, President, Better Envelopes
1:45 – 2pm Evaluations and Certificates
Contact Hours: Nurses: 5; Nursing Home Administrators, Assisted Living Administrators, Social Workers, Occupational and Physical Therapists/Assistants:4.0 ABN #1246, expires 1.21.2027, AEBSW #0100, expires 7-21-2025.
Cost: $30.00 (Mail to HRO, Post Office Box 310996, Birmingham, AL 35231) Limited to 40 people
Take A Stand for Caregivers: Fraud, Duress and Undue Influence
Speaker: Jan Neal of Jan Neal Law Firm, LLC
Take a Stand for Caregivers: Mental Health and Seniors
This presentation will discuss how good emotional health affects physical health, and vice versa. Depression, anxiety, and loneliness are not normal to aging, yet seniors are vulnerable to these and other mental health conditions. This presentation will discuss these issues and offer simple alternatives to good mental health.
Speaker: Jay Jones, Community Educator, Right at Home
Take a Stand for Caregivers: Can We Impact Our Brain Health?
Learn lifestyle factors that increase the risk of dementia. Understand the connection between heart health and brain health. Learn the most important strategies for mental fitness.
Sponsored by Middle Alabama Area Agency on Aging. (Contact hours are free).
Take a Stand Webinar - Alabama Wills and Trusts
Speaker: Jan Neal, Attorney, Jan Neal Law, LLC
Contact hours approved for Nurses, Social Workers, Physical and Occupational Therapists, and
Nursing Home Administrators. All classes are open to
Caregivers and the Public. Contact hours: Nurses: 1.2, Others:1.0.
Register in advance for this webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email
containing information about joining the webinar.
Take a Stand Webinar - Love Your Heart for Seniors
Speaker: Kimberly Smith, BFA - Community Educator, Right at Home
Contact hours approved for Nurses, Social Workers, Physical and Occupational Therapists, Nursing
Home Administrators and Assisted Living Administrators. All classes are open to Caregivers and the
Public. Contact hours: Nurses: 1.2, Others: 1.0.
Right at HomeRegister in advance for this webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Register in advance for this webinar.
Discover Arthritis: Take Control
.Speaker: Kimberly Smith, BFA - Community Educator, Right at Home
Right at HomeRegister in advance for this webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Alabama Caregiver's Conference: The Latest in Dementia Research, Policies, and Caregiving.
Wednesday, November 30th
9:00 am CST
Building Elder Justice, Strong Homes, and Communities
Robyn James, Director of Marketing & Innovations- Middle Area Agency on AgingWednesday, November 30th
10:00 am CST
Identifying In-service & Educational Opportunities for Caregivers
Stephanie Holmes et al, Central Alabama Aging ConsortiumThursday, December 1st
9:00 am CST
How to Build Your Caregiving Team
Dr. Renee Harmon, MDThursday, December 1st
10:00 am CST
Understanding & Responding to Dementia Related Behaviors
Dr. Patty Jumbo, MD, Ph.D.
Medicare Made Easy
Speaker: Lateshia Davidson, LMSW - State Health Insurance Assistance Program Coordinator
Register in advance for this webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Know Your Labels: Safe Guard Yourself from Toxins
Speaker: Kim Smith, BFA, Community Educator, Right at Home
Register in advance for this webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Paying Back Medicaid: Alabama Estate Records
Speaker: Jan Neal, Attorney, Jan Neal Law Firm, LLC
Register in advance for this webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
A Grief Recovery Support Group
Speaker: Pete Jackson, Leader/Facilitator
Meetings will be held at Faith Church , 4601 Valleydale Road, Birmingham, AL 35242 on Thursday nights from 7:00pm to 8:45pm, starting September 1, 2022. If you are college age or older and have lost a close family member, please call 205.908.6529 or email FromMourningToJoy@gmail.com.
Registration Fee: $20.00
Take a Stand- Medicaid Waiver Services
Register in advance for this webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Understanding Agency Issues
Speaker: Jan Neal, Attorney, Jan Neal Law Firm, LLC
Register in advance for this webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Bridging the Gap for Practice Across Generations
Speaker: Robyn James, BSBM, Director, Elder Justice Center of Alabama M4A
Register in advance for this webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Grief Share: The Journey from Mourning to Joy-Webinar
Register in advance for this webinar. Please complete evaluations 24 hours after the class to receive your certificate.
How to Prepare for and Transition Into Hospice Services Paige Laundry of Expect Care
After you register, you will receive the link to enter the class.
Fraud Summit - What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You
This conference will be held at the Jasper Civic Center.
Take a Stand for Care Givers, Legal Issues for Caregivers
Register in advance for this webinar: For February 22nd, 2022.
Sponsored by Robyn James, Middle Alabama Area Agency on Aging (M4A) and Jan Neal of Jan Neal Law Firm LLC.
How to Understand and Apply for Public Benefits
Register in advance for this webinar: For December 14th, 2021
Caregiver Wellness (Session 4)
Register in advance for the Alzheimer's Caregiver’s Conference: November 18, 2021
Presenter: Angela Davis MA, Grief Counselor/Life Coach
Be Set Free, Inc
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Contact Hours provided by Human Resource Options LLC. (HRO)
Human Resource Options LLC, approved provider of continuing education by Alabama Board of Nursing. Nurses: ABNP1246 expires 1.7.23. One day: 2.5 hours, Two Days: 5 hours.
HRO approved provider of continuing education by Alabama Executive Board of Social Workers: SSW#0100, expires 1.21.23. Occupational Therapy. Continuing education hours for Social Work, Physical and OccupationalTherapy: One day: 2 hours, Two days: 4 hours. Approval by Alabama Board of Nursing Home Administrators: One day: 2 hours, Two days: 4 hours. Approval by Executive Board of Assisted Living Administrators: One day: 2 hours, two days: 4 hours (pending approval, check website. All classes open to the public. Certificate provided upon request). All hours of attendance is documented on the Zoom sheet with time signed-in, time-signed out and number of minutes attended. There is no partial credit awarded, you must attend the entire session(s) to receive certificate. Telephone Calls: Only your phone number will be documented on the zoom report. On the evaluation, list the number that you called from with your name and title. If the number is unidentified, no certificate can be issued. Groups: If more than one person is viewing the zoom call together, each person must complete the register and complete the evaluation, with your name and every one in attendance in the group on each form. Give me the name of the person, whose name will appear on the zoom form. Register online at www.humanresourceoptions.com. Confirmation will be sent with information for zoom registration. After the class, return to www.humanresourceoptions.com and complete the Evaluation within 24 hours after the course. NO EXCEPTIONS!! For professions that have a dash (-) or alphabets after your title, the website is not set up to accept either. Please put your requested title in the comment section at the bottom of the registration/evaluation forms. Nurses, type your seven digit number without a dash. Certificate(s) will be emailed within five days of course completion of day two. If you need your certificate mailed, send a self addressed envelope to: Human Resource Options, Post Office Box 310996, Birmingham, AL 35231. Once you receive your certificate(s), please send me a return email to confirm that you received your certificate. Without a confirmation, I will not know if you received your certificate. All attendee’s information is sent to your respective boards. Your are responsible to send a copy of your certificates when you renew, if this is your requirement. Nurses’ information will be transmitted to the Alabama Board of Nursing portal within five days. You cannot enter your own information. Please keep all of your certificates filed together. If you have not received a certificate after five days, please email me. It is preferred that you use your personal email address. Many work email servers do not accept emails from any outside source. If an email is returned to me and I do not have a valid phone number to call you, there is nothing that I can do. If you must request a duplicate copy, after ten days of the class, there is a ten ($10) fee for a copy.
Using Technology to Navigate Caregiving Systems: Current Trends and Caregiver Perspectives (Session 3)
Register in advance for the Alzheimer's Caregiver’s Conference: November 18th, 2021
Presenter: Dr. Nicole Ruggiano, PhD, MSW
Professor and DSW Program Director
School of Social Work at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Approaching Care for Persons Living With Alzheimer’s Disease (Session 2)
Register in advance for the Alzheimer's Caregiver’s Conference: November 17th, 2021
Surfing the Waves of Alzheimer’s: Principles of Caregiving That Kept Me Upright
Presenter: Dr. Renee Harmon, MD, Author, Speaker
Retired Co-Owner, Double Oak Family Medicine
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Charting the Course of Alabama Aging, Disability, and Caregiver Network (Session 1)
Register in advance for the Alzheimer's Caregiver’s Conference: November 17th, 2021
Presenter: Robyn L. James
Director of Marketing & Innovations
Middle Alabama Area Agency on Aging (M4A)
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.